Welcome to the first ever post on my travel blog!

Who am I?

I am a book reading, tree planting, painterly person who loves challenges and spreadsheets.

Where am I from?

I’m from this lil island, in the middle of the Irish Sea, called the Isle of Man.

What the island is probably most famous for is the TT motorcycle races. Bikes zoom around our roads at hundreds of miles per hour and our population more than triples in the two weeks of the year that this activity takes place. We, the locals, also get to prove how much we can drink and get sunburnt in the process.

What I love about the Isle of Man the most though is its many hills, rivers and the potential to always be within walking distance of the sea. That and the fairies of course.

Why ‘Continental Quest’?

CQ is radio slang for a general call to no one person/group in particular.

I’ll also be totally honest and say that names are difficult because I had no idea about that fact until AFTER choosing Continental Quest. I mean, who invented the idea of names to begin with? Probably someone who thought that grunts in another person’s direction might come off as rude. 

Anyway… While it has always been one of my quests to try and explore the different things around me, sometimes staying in the same place too long doesn’t make you appreciate the day-to-day as much. So, I’m going to finish writing my book; I’m going to paint in Italy; I’m going to learn to sail; I’m going to write this blog. If those aren’t quests that have the potential to take me across continents then I don’t what quest will.


‘Why?’ shouldn’t be the question, the question should be: ‘why not?’

YOLO. Wow, how I hate that phrase but… it is SO true; you do only live once. I’ve spent the past few years focusing mostly on work. What did I do when I wasn’t in work? I thought about it instead. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need a break that isn’t just for a day or two.

So, it’s time to get out my walking books, get my fingers tapping on the keyboard, and get my brain and body doing things that they can both enjoy and thrive off of.

"I'm going on an adventure" gif from The Hobbit.

Where am I going?

I’ll be starting off with a week in Northern England and then heading on over to Europe for several months. While I do have a loose plan for each place I will be travelling to, there is a bit of wiggle room so if anyone has any suggestions then please let me know, A.K.A. please tell me where to eat and how to order port/wine/beer in Portugal.

I’ll be calling you all again soon,

Continental Quest

Partial view of Maughold on the North-East coast of the Isle of Man. It shows a section of trees that have been freshly planted.

6 responses to “CQ World!”

  1. Thabani avatar

    Lovely!!! Enjoy! We’ll miss you… But hey, we will be seeing where you are…..

    1. Continental Quest avatar
      Continental Quest

      Awww thank you!! And I shall miss you too! But, like you’ve said, you can see where I am and we’re always just one message away from each other 🙂

  2. Dad avatar

    You should know all about CQ, both your father and Grandfather have used it millions of times on the Amateur Radio bands!

    1. Continental Quest avatar
      Continental Quest

      Makes it all the more concerning that I didn’t know!! XD

  3. Mum avatar

    Travel safely darling
    Meet nice people
    Enjoy each moment
    And remember each moment is a learning experience…. regardless !
    And come back to us safely with a lovely SMILE 😊

    1. Continental Quest avatar
      Continental Quest

      I shall see you again soon ❤️ 🙂

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