I am notorious for packing at the last minute (and quite happy to remain that way). Here are today’s tips and tricks:

Packing cubes rule.

A few weeks ago (it could have been a few months ago but who’s counting?), I overheard some people on the bus talking about what they were taking travelling. One of them mentioned packing cubes and, out of curiosity, I looked them up. If they sound like an organisers dream then that is because they are. I was extraordinarily lucky: mine hadn’t turned up with another item that I had ordered but some very good friends gifted me some map covered ones for Christmas. I can already tell that these are going to massively improve my travelling experience so thank you again! And, just for the sake of everyone else, I will repeat the awful joke I did at the time… If I get lost at least I will have a map!

You don’t always need to double up (or triple up).

The packing cubes *queue singing sounds* have really helped with this. My backpack is far less organised than my main bag, perhaps I’m a bit too attached to my art/writing/learning materials.

Gif of Gollum from Lord of the rings saying 'My Precious'

Less doesn’t always mean more.

I chose a box of coloured pens over a small set of watercolours because, although they take up more room, they take less time and planning. We’ll see if I made the right decision in the short term. I’m sure I can make it to Italy without getting withdrawal symptoms.

Don’t take things for granted.

I like to think that I’m pretty good for this BUT there are some things that you always think are going to be there, especially in the middle of the day. Today it was food in the airport. I am grateful for Doritos and my mum (who gave me two mince pies). I decided not to have a pint of lager with my packet of crisps, which I’m sure would shock many an acquaintance.

Packing last minute means you won’t forget things.

This isn’t actually something that I’ve learned today but I thought I should add it in. When I say last minute I don’t literally mean last minute… I start packing about 3 hours before I leave. Why would I do such a thing? All my laundry is done; none of my toiletries need to be taken out and used again; I have a better idea of what I will actually need and want to take and, lastly, I pack things as I finish using them/pass them in my getting ready routine. Put together, this leads to a completed jigsaw puzzle of a suitcase! Obviously this won’t work for everyone (for some it would probably cause a large amount of anxiety) but this works for me.

Have you got any good packing tips or slightly quirky things that you do to prepare for a journey? I’d love to hear about them so please leave a comment below.

I’ll be calling you all again soon,

Continental Quest

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