Useful Português

Has anyone ever used Duolingo? The majority of you have probably heard of Duo even if you’ve never actually used it. For quite a few years it’s been my go to app for learning new languages (or even refreshing myself on old ones).

On the 20th day of December 2023, I officially took Portuguese off my ‘to learn’ list and added it to my ‘learning’ list.

What useful Portuguese things did I learn that day?

You know, all of the typical things that Duolingo starts you off on: apple, boy, girl, house, car, milk, water… Although, when I first tried to recall any of the above, I’m not entirely sure that ‘learn’ was the correct word.

a gif of Sherlock trying to think as hard as Continental Quest while they try to recall any Portuguese

Actual Useful Portuguese Phrases/Words

I’ll be updating this section each time I learn a handy new word or phrase! Sorry, I don’t know how to write phonetically yet… My ‘to learn’ list never seems to get any smaller for some reason…

TypeEnglishPortugueseMy Comment
Food/drinkI order/ask for…Eu peço…‘Eh-uh pess-oh…’
Food/drinkI drink…Eu bebo…‘Eh-oh bay-bo’
Food/drinkThe juiceO suco
Food/drinkI boil…Fervo…
Food/drinkA teaUm chá‘Mm sha’
Food/drinkA coffeeUm café
Food/drinkIt is/ a beerÉ/ Uma cerveja‘ee serve-ay-jah’
Food/drinkThe drinkA bedida‘D’ is pronounced normally.
Food/drinkI eat…Eu como…
Food/drinkI cook…Eu cozinho…‘Eh-uh coh-zi-no’
Food/drinkI cut…Eu corto…
Food/drinkI fry…Eu frito…
Food/drinkA bananaUma banana
Food/drinkAn appleUm maçá‘Mm mass-ah’
Food/drinkA grapeUma uva
Food/drinkThe saladA salada
Food/drinkThe carrotA cenoura‘ah sen-aur-eh’
Food/drinkThe onionA cebola
Food/drinkThe potatoA batata
Food/drinkThe cheeseO queijo‘oh kay-jeu’
Food/drinkAn eggUm ovo
Food/drinkThe fishO peixe‘oh pesh-ay’
Food/drinkThe meatA carne‘ah karn-ay’
Food/drinkThe steakO bife
Food/drinkThe porkA carne de porco‘ah carn-ey jay pork-oh’
Food/drinkThe chickenO frango‘Oh frang-oh’
Food/drinkThe sauceO molho‘Oh moy-oh’
Food/drinkThe cookie(biscuit?)O biscoito
Food/drinkA chocolateUm chocolate‘Mm shock-oh-lat-ay’
Food/drinkThe cakeO bolo
Food/drinkThe cookO cozinheiro
Food/drinkThe billA conta
AccomodationA (the) keyUma (a) chave‘shah-veh’
TravelThe passportO passaporte
TravelWhere is…Cadê…
GreetingsNice to meet youPrazer em conhecer vocé
GreetingsGood morningBom dia‘D’ is pronounced like ‘gee’
GreetingsGood afternoonBoa tarde‘D’ is pronounced like ‘gee’
GreetingsGood evening/nightBoa noite‘ite’ is pronounced like ‘eh-chey’
Polite PhrasesNoNão‘Now’. Add this before a verb to make it negative eg. ‘Eu não tenho pão, desculpe’ means ‘I do not have bread, sorry’.
Polite PhrasesYesSim
Polite PhrasesExcuse meCom licença
Polite PhrasesSorryDesculpe‘des-kull-pay’
Polite PhrasesPleasePor favor
Polite PhrasesThank you/thanksObrigada/Obrigado‘D’ is pronounced normally. Ends in ‘a’ if a female is speaking and an ‘o’ for a male speaking.
Polite PhrasesYou’re welcomeDe nadaFirst ‘D’ is pronounced like ‘gee’, second ‘D’ is pronounced normally.
Polite PhrasesCongratulationsParabéns
Polite PhrasesHow are you?/Everything is fineTudo bem(?)
Polite PhrasesHow are you?Como está vocêvocê is pronounced ‘voh-say’
Nationalities & languagesPortuguesePortuguês
Nationalities & languagesEnglishinglês
Nationalities & languagesSorry, I don’t speak PortugueseDesculpe, eu nâo falo português
Nationalities & languagesExcuse me, do you speak English?Com licença, vocé fala inglês?

Interesting Portuguese language facts

None just yet 🙂

Throughout my travels, I’ll be compiling lists of useful phrases and interesting language facts. Why not check here to see if there is anything that might help you on your next journey.

I’ll be calling you all again soon,

Continental Quest

3 responses to “Useful Português”

  1. Mum avatar

    Boa tarde ! That’s quite a list of Portuguese words…. keep on learning and speaking dee lingo ! 🙂

    1. Continental Quest avatar
      Continental Quest

      I shall try!!! It is always harder in person though… Speaking/understanding spoken word is difficult but I’ve found that I can understand what food places are offering which is probably one of the most essential things! I went through a shopping mall yesterday and walked straight past the places with ‘bife’ and ‘frango’ in their names and found a nice sandwich.

      1. Mum avatar

        “ Saude”! ( “Cheers”! )

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